
Welcome to 'Corks 4 A Cause'

A Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Helping Others



A Charity with the Mission of Raising Funds for Local Charities through Like-Minded Wine Enthusiasts.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corks4acause/


President – Laura Rehbein
Vice President – Karen Koch
Treasurer – Gemma Thomas
Secretary – Donna Houchen
Director of Social Media – Kenneth Ervin Young

IRS Listed Charity Organization

Legal Name (DBA): Corks 4 A Cause Inc.
EIN: 46-4238883 – Location: Tampa, FL, USA
Deductibility Status: PC


  • Must be a registered 501c3 and supply a copy of IRS TIN
  • Must provide Financials for the Previous Year
  • Agree to market on the Organization’s Website(s) / FaceBook
  • Agree to assist with the event (setup, breakdown, actual event)
  • There is no issue with money being raised by the consumption of wine
  • Not affiliated with religious organizations or charities
  • Charity Event Request Form

Please fill out the attached forms and send them to [email protected]


Corks 4 A Cause Appreciates all Donations to Assist Our Charities

“If you wait until you can do everything for everybody instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up not doing nothing for nobody.” ~ Malcolm Bane

Contributions to Corks 4 A Cause are exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. #46-4238883


In general, an individual who itemizes deductions may deduct contributions to most charitable organizations up to 50% of their adjusted gross income computed without regard to net operating loss carrybacks.

Individuals may deduct charitable contributions to other organizations up to 30% of their adjusted gross income (computed without regard to net operating loss carrybacks).

These limitations (and organizational status) are indicated as follows:

CodeType of organization and use of the contribution.Deductibility Limitation
PCA public charity.50%

** This information is for informational purposes only. Deductibility rules can be unique and change over time. Please consult your financial advisor regarding your deductibility situation.


Corks4aCause.org Charity Event
Benefiting: Rugaz Rescue

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event
Benefiting: Eckerd Raising Hope

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event
Benefiting: Centre for Women & The Spring of Tampa Bay

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event
Benefiting: Brookwood Florida

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event: Warriors & Wine
Benefiting: Veterans Alternative

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event: Sangria Smackdown!
Benefiting: Non-Charity Event

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event: Metal Meets Merlot!
Benefiting: Crisis Center of Tampa Bay

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event
Benefiting: Community Stepping Stones

Corks4aCause.org Charity Event: Inaugural Wine Event! Solitas House at Skypoint
Benefiting: Solitas House


There are no upcoming events.

Event Sponsorship Levels

Vineyard Sponsor – $3,000 and up
– 8 tickets to the event, Speaking Opportunity, Headline Logo and Info on all event material and FaceBook
Barrel Sponsor – $1,000
– 6 tickets to the event, Logo, and Info on all event material and FaceBook
Bottle Sponsor – $500
– 4 tickets to the event, Logo, and Info on all event material and FaceBook
Split Sponsor – $250
– 2 tickets to the event, Logo on all event material, and FaceBook

Glass Sponsor – $100
– 1 ticket to the event, Logo on all event material, and FaceBook

Contact us at [email protected]
if you are interested in sponsoring an event!

Contributions to Corks 4 A Cause are exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. #46-4238883


Sunset at SkyPoint

Join Corks 4 A Cause at Skypoint in downtown Tampa for wine, food, & networking — all to support The Centre for Women & The Spring through The Exceptional Women’s

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